Neko Chan Wiki

Beetroot Seeds[]

Beetroot Seeds are one of nine (as of May 2021) seeds, that can be found on the on the first page of the inventory, [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg inv seeds], in the Seeds area.

You can buy these seeds in bulk, up to 20 at a time from the RPG Shop with the command [@Neko Chan#7837 buy item beetroot_seed (1 to 20)].

The command to use these seeds is [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg farm beetroot]. Depending on your farming level you may receive between one and seven Beetroots.


Beetroot is found on the fourth page of your inventory, [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg inv food], in the Raw Food area.

You can buy Beetroots in bulk, up to 20 at a time from the RPG Shop with the command [@Neko Chan#7837 buy item beetroot (1 to 20)].

The command for eating Beetroot is [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg eat beetroot (amount)].

Beetroot gives a player + 18 HP.

Beetroots + HP
10 180
20 360
30 540
40 720
50 900
60 1,080
70 1,260
80 1,440
90 1,620
100 1,800
120 2,160
140 2,520
160 2,880
180 3,240
200 3,600

Roast Beetroot[]

Roast Beetroot is found on the fourth page of your inventory, [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg inv food], in the Cooked Food area.

The command to Cook Beetroots [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg cook beetroot]. Depending on your cooking level you may receive between one and seven Roast Beetroots.

The command for eating Roast Beetroot is [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg eat roast_beetroot (amount)].

Roast Beetroot gives a player + 49 HP.

Roasted Beetroots + HP
10 490
20 980
30 1470
40 1960
50 2450
60 2940
70 3430
80 3920
90 4410
100 4900
120 5880
140 6860
160 7840
180 8820
200 9800