Neko Chan Wiki

Player Land? What's this?

Well as of the August 2019 update, you can now own a house. You will need to buy three blueprints, which can be bought from the RPG Shop under the Land/Housing tab. Which stats to open at level 70.

Once you have filled your storage area with the correct items, you can then use the Build command (as seen in the table below). This will then build the blueprint, allowing you to move forward in build the next part.

So far there are only two blueprints and the land that is active. The Land/Housing Shop now shows four new land plots and ten new blueprints. These are not active, and will be added at a later date, keep an eye open on News & Updates.

As of the March 2020 update, five new blueprints where added. Your House can now have a Kitchen and an Altar. You can also buy your beast a home, you will need to buy the Land, the Foundation and Structure, then give the beast house an interior.

Some of the below information has changed.


  • House - Resting is now shortened by 75%
  • Altar - Your Praying time has been reduced by 50%
  • Kitchen - Your character can now passively Cook Meat & receive +25% effects when Eating food.
  • Beast House - Your Beast Hunts are now shortened by 50% and you've unlocked a new hunt time for 12 Hours!
  • Farm House - You can now buy Animals from the store and you can start Building Addons for the Farm to get more benefits!
  • Farm Plots - Your character can now passively Farm Seeds & receive +25% effects when Farming Seeds.
  • Quarry - Your character passively mines ores and adds them in a storage. Storage Upgrades increase max amount of ores your Quarry can store and Upgrades let your quarry mine higher tier ores.
  • Hell Forge - Your character can forge new Items and Equipment at Forging Level 195 (3-0).
  • Sawmill - Your character can passively cut wood logs into planks. Storage Upgrades increase max amount of logs that can be placed in sawmill and max amount of wood planks it can store at once. Upgrades let you passively cut higher tier planks and increase amount of planks cut by each log.


Command Action
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg build Brings up a list of buildings you can build
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage Will let you add items to your storage room ^
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg view storage Will let you see your storage room

^ - Please be aware that you will need to add the item to the end of this command, see below.

Blueprints & Costs[]

Bought? Buy Item Command Price
False/True Land (House) @Neko Chan#7837 buy land house 1,600,000
False/True House Blueprint (Foundation) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item house_blueprint_f 800,000
False/True House Blueprint (Structure) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item house_blueprint_s 1,200,000
False/True House Blueprint (Altar) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item house_blueprint_a 1,400,000
False/True House Blueprint (Kitchen) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item house_blueprint_k 4,000,000
False/True Land (Farm) @Neko Chan#7837 buy land farm 2,300,000
False/True Farm Blueprint (Foundation) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item farm_blueprint_f 1,900,000
False/True Farm Blueprint (Structure) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item farm_blueprint_s 2,700,000
False/True Farm Blueprint (Farm Plots) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item farm_blueprint_fp 3,000,000
False/True Land (Beast) @Neko Chan#7837 buy land beast 1,700,000
False/True Beast Blueprint (Foundation) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item beast_blueprint_f 1,200,000
False/True Beast Blueprint (Structure) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item beast_blueprint_s 1,800,000
False/True Beast Blueprint (Forge) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item beast_blueprint_forge 6,100,000
False/True Land (Quarry) @Neko Chan#7837 buy land quarry 5,000,000
False/True Quarry Blueprint (Foundation) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item quarry_blueprint_f 3,200,000
False/True Quarry Blueprint (Structure) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item quarry_blueprint_s 4,900,000
False/True Quarry Blueprint (Storage Upgrade 1) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item quarry_blueprint_st1 10,000,000
False/True Quarry Blueprint (Upgrade 1) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item quarry_blueprint_u1 25,000,000
False/True Quarry Blueprint (Storage Upgrade 2) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item quarry_blueprint_st2 30,000,000
False/True Quarry Blueprint (Upgrade 2) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item quarry_blueprint_u2 50,000,000
False/True Land (Sawmill) @Neko Chan#7837 buy land sawmill 3,000,000
False/True Sawmill Blueprint (Foundation) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item sawmill_blueprint_f 2,200,000
False/True Sawmill Blueprint (Structure) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item sawmill_blueprint_s 3,900,000
False/True Sawmill Blueprint (Storage Upgrade 1) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item sawmill_blueprint_st1 5,000,000
False/True Sawmill Blueprint (Upgrade 1) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item sawmill_blueprint_u1 10,000,000
False/True Sawmill Blueprint (Storage Upgrade 2) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item sawmill_blueprint_st2 15,000,000
False/True Sawmill Blueprint (Upgrade 2) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item sawmill_blueprint_u2 25,000,000
False/True Land (Hell Forge) @Neko Chan#7837 buy land forge 8,000,000
False/True Forge Blueprint (Foundation) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item forge_blueprint_f 9,000,000
False/True Forge Blueprint (Structure) !buy item forge_blueprint_s 20,000,000

Blueprints open up at Character Levels 70/120/160/240/255/270/320, before you buy these items, it will say [False], after you buy these items it will say [True]. There might be more added, but who knows.


House Blueprint Foundation[]

Amount Item
1,300 Stone
900 Stone Brick
240 Wood Log
240 Iron Ingot

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Stone @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 1300
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone_brick 900
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood_log 240
Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron 240

House Blueprint Structure[]

Amount Item
1,300 Wood Log
1,600 Wood Plank
300 Steel Ingot
400 Hardened Leather

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood_log 1300
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood_plank 1600
Steel Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel 300
Hardened Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage hardened_leather 400

House Interior[]

Amount Item
1,100 Wood Plank
2,700 Leather
125 Stamina

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood_plank 1100
Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage leather 2700

House Blueprint Altar[]

Amount Item
240 Enchanted Leather
560 Iron Ingot
1,300 Stone
4,200 Stone Brick
700 Wheat

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Enchanted Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage enchanted leather 240
Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron 560
Stone @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 1300
Stone Brick^ @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 200
Wheat @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wheat 700

^ Player can add up to 4000 items into building storage per command

House Blueprint Kitchen[]

Amount Item
1,300 Iron Ingot
2,000 Leather
700 Stone Brick
2,400 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron 1300
Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage leather 2000
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone_brick 700
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood_plank 2400

Land Farm[]

Farm House Blueprint Foundation[]

Amount Item
950 Iron Ingot
800 Steel Ingot
800 Stone
1,400 Stone Brick
1,500 Wheat
2,100 Wood Log
1,300 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron 950
Steel Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel ingot 800
Stone @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 800
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 1400
Wheat @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wheat 1500
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 2100
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood plank 1300

Farm House Blueprint Structure[]

Amount Item
800 Hardened Leather
1,200 Steel Ingot
600 Wheat
1,300 Wood Log
1,600 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Hardened Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage hardened leather 800
Steel Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel ingot 1200
Wheat @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wheat 600
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 1300
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood plank 1600

Farm House Interior[]

Amount Item
2,400 Stone
7,000 Wheat
1,100 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Stone @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 2400
Wheat ^ @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wheat 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wheat 3000
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood plank 1100

^ Player can add up to 4000 items into building storage per command

Farm House Addon [Plots][]

Amount Item
1,200 Iron Ingot
2,100 Stone Brick
1,000 Wheat
1,700 Wood Log

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage hardened leather 1200
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel ingot 2100
Wheat @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wheat 1000
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 1700

Land Beast[]

Beast Blueprint Foundation[]

Amount Item
1,560 Iron Ingot
2,400 Stone
4,000 Stone Brick
1,300 Wood Log
1,600 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron 1560
Stone @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 2400
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone_brick 4000
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood_log 1300
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood_plank 1600

Beast Blueprint Structure[]

Amount Item
1,400 Stone
1,650 Stone Brick
2,300 Wood Log
1,900 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Stone @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 1400
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone_brick 1650
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood_log 2300
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood_plank 1900

Beast House Interior[]

Amount Item
1,400 Hardened Leather
600 Leather
2,400 Stone
1,200 Wheat
2,200 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Hardened Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage hardened_leather 1400
Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage leather 600
Stone @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 2400
Wheat @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wheat 1200
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood_plank 2200

Beast House Addon [Forge][]

Amount Item
300 Iron Ingot
400 Steel Ingot
1,200 Stone Brick
200 Wood Log
400 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 300
Steel Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel ingot 400
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 1200
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 200
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood plank 400


Quarry Foundation[]

Amount Item
560 Iron Ingot
4,700 Stone
1,000 Stone Brick
1,800 Wood Log
2,100 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 560
Stone^ @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 700
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 1000
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 1800
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood plank 2100

^ Player can add up to 4000 items into building storage per command

Quarry Structure[]

Amount Item
2,100 Wood Log
5,600 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 2100
Wood Plank^ @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood plank 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood plank 1600

^ Player can add up to 4000 items into building storage per command

Quarry Interior[]

Amount Item
2,100 Hardened Leather
2,400 Stone

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Hardened Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage hardened leather 2100
Stone @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 2400

Addon Quarry Storage I[]

Amount Item
1,600 Iron Ingot
2,100 Wood Log

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 1600
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 2100

Addon Quarry Upgrade I[]

Amount Item
1,600 Enchanted Leather
800 Iron Ingot
600 Flame Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Enchanted Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage enchanted leather 1600
Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 800
Flame Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage flame wood plank 600

Addon Quarry Storage II[]

Amount Item
3,100 Iron Ingot
8,100 Wood Log

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 3100
Wood Log^ @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 100

^ Player can add up to 4000 items into building storage per command

Addon Quarry Upgrade II[]

Amount Item
3,400 Enchanted Leather
2,100 Iron Ingot
1,500 Flame Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Enchanted Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage enchanted leather 3400
Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 2100
Flame Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage flame wood plank 1500


Sawmill Foundation[]

Amount Item
240 Iron Ingot
1,300 Stone
900 Stone Brick
240 Wood Log

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 240
Stone @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 1300
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 900
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 240

Sawmill Structure[]

Amount Item
400 Hardened Leather
300 Steel Ingot
1,300 Wood Log
1,600 Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Hardened Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage hardened leather 400
Steel Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel ingot 300
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 1300
Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood plank 1600

Addon Sawmill Storage I[]

Amount Item
1,600 Iron Ingot
800 Steel Ingot
10,000 Stone Brick
600 Wood Log

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 1600
Steel Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel ingot 800
Stone Brick ^ @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 2000
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 600

^ Player can add up to 4000 items into building storage per command

Addon Sawmill Upgrade I[]

Amount Item
600 Hardened Leather
800 Iron Ingot
1,600 Steel Ingot

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Hardened Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage hardened leather 600
Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 800
Steel Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel ingot 1600

Addon Sawmill Storage II[]

Amount Item
2,500 Iron Ingot
1,600 Steel Ingot
20,000 Stone Brick
1,000 Wood Log

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 2500
Steel Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel ingot 1600
Stone Brick ^ @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 4000
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage wood log 1000

^ Player can add up to 4000 items into building storage per command

Addon Sawmill Upgrade II[]

Amount Item
1,400 Enchanted Leather
2,100 Iron Ingot
2,200 Steel Ingot

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Enchanted Leather @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage enchanted leather 1400
Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 2100
Steel Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel ingot 2200


Forge Foundation[]

Amount Item
2,400 Iron Ingot
1,450 Lead Stone Brick
3,700 Steel Ingot
7,000 Stone
4,000 Stone Brick

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 2400
Lead Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage lead stone brick 1450
Steel ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage steel ingot 3700
Stone^ @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 4000
@Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 3000
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 4000

^ Player can add up to 4000 items into building storage per command

Forge Structure[]

Amount Item
1,200 Iron Ingot
2,600 Lead Stone Brick
2,000 Stone
3,400 Stone Brick

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Iron Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage iron ingot 1200
Lead Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage lead stone brick 2600
Stone @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone 2000
Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage stone brick 3400

Forge Interior[]

Amount Item
900 Lead Stone Brick
500 Flame Wood Plank

When adding items to the storage area, use these commands.

Lead Stone Brick @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage lead stone brick 900
Flame Wood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 rpg building storage flame wood plank 500