Neko Chan Wiki

Rice Seeds[]

Rice Seeds are one of nine (as of May 2021) that can be found on page 1 of the inventory, [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg inv seeds], in the Seeds area. For info use [@Neko Chan#7837 item info rice seed].

You can buy these seeds in bulk, up to 20 at a time from the RPG Shop with the command [@Neko Chan#7837 buy item rice_seed (amount)]. Players can buy up to 20 Rice Seeds a day.

The command to use these seeds is [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg farm rice]. Depending on your farming level you may receive between one and seven Rice. We are unsure how this works, must be Neko Chan's magic.


Rice is found on page 4 of your inventory, [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg inv food], in the Raw Food area. For info use [@Neko Chan#7837 item info rice].

You are able to eat Rice using this command [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg eat rice (amount)], eating rice will only give you + 12 HP.

The command to cook your Rice is [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg cook rice]. Depending on your cooking level, you may receive between one and seven Rice. Each Cooked Rice turns into a bowl, more of Neko Chan's magic.

When your character hits level 10, you will be able to buy Rice from the Shop. The command is [@Neko Chan#7837 buy item rice (amount)]. Players can buy up to 20 Rice a day.

Cooked Rice[]

Cooked Rice can also be found on page 4 of your inventory, in the Cooked Food area. For info use [@Neko Chan#7837 item info cooked rice].

When your character hits level 10, you will be able to buy Cooked Rice from the Shop. The command is [@Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_rice (amount)]. Players can buy up to 20 Cooked Rice a day.

The command for eating Cooked Rice is [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg eat cooked_rice (amount)].

Cooked Rice gives a player + 25 HP.

Cooked Rice + HP
25 625
50 1,250
75 1,875
100 2,500
125 3,125
150 3,750
175 4,375
200 5,000