Neko Chan Wiki
Neko Chan Wiki

The shop area is called the NekoCoin Store. To bring up the main area use [@Neko Chan#7837 shop] this will bring up the main listing and also let you know how many Neko Coins you have on you.

Shop One is the Nekocoin Shop [@Neko Chan#7837 nekocoin shop], as of Augest 2019 there is nothing in there. Shop two Pet Shop [@Neko Chan#7837 pet shop] which has grown to add new backgrounds and a transfer system.

Shop three is the RPG Shop [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg shop] which has had some major updates, once you type in the command, please let all the icons load, before you click one. This will allow the shop to load all the items you can buy within your chatacter level.

Shop four is the Sellables Shop [@Neko Chan#7837 sell shop]. Shop five is the Super Nekocoin Shop [@Neko Chan#7837 super shop], you can now buy two items from the Super shop. All shops reset daily at the Developer's Midnight.

New RPG Shop[]


Page 0
Items Lvl Command Price Limit
Leather 5 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item leather 280 100
Wood Log 5 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item wood_log 370 100
Copper Ore 5 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item copper_ore 355 30
Silver Ore 5 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item silver_ore 385 30
Wood Plank 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item wood_plank 1,110 50
Bronze Ore 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item bronze_ore 425 30
Copper Ingot 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item copper_ingot 710 20
Silver Ingot 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item silver_ingot 770 20
Gold Ore 15 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item gold_ore 680 30
Tin Ore 15 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item tin_ore 570 30
Stone 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item stone 490 80
Silverwood Log 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item silverwood_log 1,525 30
Bronze Ingot 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item bronze_ingot 850 20
Page 1
Item Lvl Command Price Limit
Iron Ore 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item iron_ore 890 30
Gold Ingot 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item gold_ingot 1,360 20
Tin Ingot 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item tin_ingot 1,140 20
Silverwood Plank 30 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item silverwood_plank 3,050 15
Steel Ore 35 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item steel_ore 2,870 20
Iron Ingot 35 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item iron_ingot 1,780 20
Stone Brick 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item stone_brick 2,450 50
Bloodwood Log 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item bloodwood_log 5,695 10
Cobalt Ore 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cobalt_ore 2,560 30
Lead Ore 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item lead_ore 3,650 20
Steel Ingot 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item steel_ingot 5,740 20
Bloodwood Plank 55 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item bloodwood_plank 11,390 5
Cobalt Ingot 55 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cobalt_ingot 5,120 20
Lead Ingot 55 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item lead_ingot 7,300 10
Page 2
Item Lvl Command Price Limit
Hardened Leather 60 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item hardened_leather 7,760 60
Arcane Wood Log 70 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item arcane_wood_log 12,895 6
Enchanted Leather 80 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item enchanted_leather 38,800 40
Arcane Wood Plank 80 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item arcane_wood_plank 38,685 3
Platinum Ore 80 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item platinum_ore 49,070 5
Platinum Ingot 90 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item platinum_ingot 98,140 1
Ethereal Log 90 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item ethereal_log 58,620 3
Ethereal Plank 100 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item ethereal_plank 175,860 1
Ardite Ore 120 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item ardite_ore 197,840 10
Ardite Ingot 140 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item ardite_ingot 395,680 5


Page 0
Item Lvl Command Price Limit
Fishing Rod 0 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item fishing_rod 1,500 1 only
Amethyst 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item amethyst 6,000 10
Earthstone 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item earthsone 5,000 10
Moonstone 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item moonstone 5,000 10
Sunstone 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item sunstone 5,000 10
Starstone 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item starstone 5,000 10
Lifestone 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item lifestone 5,000 10
Darkstone 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item darkstone 5,000 10
Skystone 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item skystone 5,000 10
Oceanstone 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item oceanstone 5,000 10
Sapphire 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item sapphire 12,000 10
Topaz 30 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item topaz 24,000 10
Blank Rune 35 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item blank_rune 4,870 20
Emerald 40 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item emerald 48,000 10
Page 1
Item Lvl Command Price Limit
Weak Fire Rune 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item weak_fire_rune 10,640 15
Weak Water Rune 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item weak_water_rune 10,640 15
Weak Dark Rune 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item weak_dark_rune 10,640 15
Weak Light Rune 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item weak_light_rune 10,640 15
Weak Air Rune 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item weak_air_rune 10,640 15
Weak Earth Rune 45 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item weak_earth_rune 10,640 15
Ruby 50 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item ruby 96,000 10
Onyx 60 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item onyx 192,000 10


Page 0
Item Lvl Command Price Limit
Bread 5 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item bread 1,280 20
Beetroot 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item beetroot 1,410 20
Pumpkin 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item pumpkin 1,570 20
Wheat 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item wheat 790 20
Rice 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item rice 1,390 20
Raw Fish 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item raw_fish 1,550 20
Watermelon 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item watermelon 1,260 20
Cooked Rice 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_fish 2,890 20
Cooked Fish 10 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_rice 2,970 20
Potato 15 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item potato 2,780 20
Raw Deer 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item raw_deer 2,870 20
Raw Beef 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item raw_beef 2,910 20
Raw Pork 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item raw_pork 2,760 20
Raw Rabbit 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item raw_rabbit 2,510 20
Raw Chicken 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item raw_chicken 2,860 20
Raw Lamb 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item raw_lamb 2,905 20
Roast Pumpkin 20 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item roast_pumpkin 2,790 20
Page 1
Item Lvl Command Price Limit
Baked Potato 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item baked_potato 3,910 20
Raw Boar 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item raw_boar 2,720 20
Raw Carp 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item raw_carp 3,170 20
Raw Mackerel 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item raw_mackerel 3,270 20
Cooked Deer 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_deer 3,490 20
Cooked Beef 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_beef 3,710 20
Cooked Pork 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_pork 3,910 20
Cooked Rabbit 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_rabbit 3,770 20
Cooked Chicken 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_chicken 3,410 20
Cooked Lamb 25 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_lamb 3,790 20
Cooked Boar 30 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_boar 4,100 20
Cooked Carp 30 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_carp 4,700 20
Cooked Mackerel 30 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item cooked_mackerel 4,390 20


Seeds can be bought right from the start of the RPG. ** - means it's a Weekly limit

Item Lvl Command Price Limit
Coffee Seed x1 0 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item coffee_seed 4,500 20**
Potato Seed x1 0 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item potato_seed 1,800 20
Cprm Seed x1 0 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item corn_seed 1,200 20
Bean Seed x1 0 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item bean_seed 1,040 20
Beetroot Seed x1 0 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item beetroot_seed 700 20
Pumpkin Seed x1 0 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item pumpkin_seed 800 20
Watermelon Seed x1 0 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item watermelon_seed 600 20
Wheat Seed x1 0 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item wheat_seed 300 20
Rice Seed x1 0 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item rice_seed 330 20


Bought? Item Lvl Command Price
False/True Land (House) 70 @Neko Chan#7837 buy land house 1,600,000
False/True House Blueprint (Foundation) 70 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item house_blueprint_f 800,000
False/True House Blueprint (Structure) 70 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item house_blueprint_s 1,200,000
False/True House Blueprint (Altar) 70 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item house_blueprint_a 1,400,000
False/True House Blueprint (Kitchen) 70 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item house_blueprint_k 4,000,000
False/True Land (Farm) 120 Coming Soon 2,300,000
False/True Farm Blueprint (Foundation) 120 Coming Soon 1,900,000
False/True Farm Blueprint (Structure) 120 Coming Soon 2,700,000
False/True Farm Blueprint (Farm Plots) 120 Coming Soon 3,000,000
False/True Land (Beast) 160 mya!buy land beast 1,700,000
False/True Beast Blueprint (Foundation) 160 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item beast_blueprint_f 1,200,000
False/True Beast Blueprint (Structure) 160 @Neko Chan#7837 buy item beast_blueprint_s 1,800,000
False/True Land (Quarry) 240 Coming Soon 5,000,000
False/True Quarry Blueprint (Foundation) 240 Coming Soon 3,200,000
False/True Quarry Blueprint (Structure) 240 Coming Soon 4,900,000
False/True Quarry Blueprint (Storage Upgrade 1) 320 Coming Soon 10,000,000
False/True Quarry Blueprint (Storage Upgrade 2) 320 Coming Soon 30,000,000
False/True Land (Hell Forge) 270 Coming Soon 8,000,000
False/True Forge Blueprint (Foundation) 270 Coming Soon 9,000,000
False/True Forge Blueprint (Structure) 270 Coming Soon 20,000,000

This should open up around level 70, before you buy these items, it will say [False], after you buy these items it will say [True]. There might be more added, but who knows.

Nekocoin Shop[]

Coming Soon.

Pet Shop[]

Pet Shop [@Neko Chan#7837 pet shop]
Action Command Cost
Buy a Pet @Neko Chan#7837 buy pet 10,000
Buy Neko Sitter @Neko Chan#7837 buy neko sitter 13,000
Buy Pet Transfer @Neko Chan#7837 buy pet transfer ??
Buy Background (Default Bats) @Neko Chan#7837 buy default bats 0
Buy Background (Elf Woods) @Neko Chan#7837 buy elf woods 200,000
Buy Background (Heart Blossom) @Neko Chan#7837 buy heart blossom 600,000
Buy Background (Neon Galaxy) @Neko Chan#7837 buy neon galaxy 350,000
Buy Background (Gold Equinox) @Neko Chan#7837 buy gold equinox 350,000
Buy Background (Sword Art) @Neko Chan#7837 buy sword art 350,000
Buy Background (Eternal Melody) @Neko Chan#7837 buy eternal melody 350,000
Buy Background (Blackwyrm) @Neko Chan#7837 buy blackwyrm 350,000
Buy Background (Purple Universe) @Neko Chan#7837 buy purple universe 350,000
Buy Background (Gantasic River) @Neko Chan#7837 buy gantasic river 350,000
Buy Background (Galactic Swirl) @Neko Chan#7837 buy galactic swirl 350,000
Buy Background (Monet's Garden) @Neko Chan#7837 buy monet's garden 350,000
Buy a Brush @Neko Chan#7837 buy brush 4,000
Buy a Scratching Post @Neko Chan#7837 buy scratching post 6,000
Buy a Lazer Pointer @Neko Chan#7837 buy lazer pointer 9,000
Buy a Bell Collar @Neko Chan#7837 buy bell collar 7,000

Changing the backgrounds will cost between 500 to 2,500 coins, to update your pet or add to your new pet.

Heart Blossom was from Staff member FreyaFM Neon Galaxy was funded by DW08
Gold Equinox was funded by FuryXio Sword Art was funded by Asuna
Eternal Melody was funded by Lindwyn Blackwyrm was funded by Wolfy
Purple Universe was funded by Furyku Gantasic River was funded by Nightcore Playlist
Galactic Swirl was funded by Norman Monet's Garden was funded by Harmoney

Pet Transfer[]

The Pet Transfer system is new. The cost of these transfers will depend on your pets current level, attack and defence. The command to buy a transfer is [@Neko Chan#7837 buy pet transfer], allow for the list to load and pick one of the four options.

[1] Pet Transfer Level - (amount of) Nekocoins Unowned/Owned
[2] Pet Transfer Attack - (amount of) Nekocoins Unowned/Owned
[3] Pet Transfer Defence - (amount of) Nekocoins Unowned/Owned
[4] Pet Transfer All - (amount of) Nekocoins Unowned/Owned


Sellables [@Neko Chan#7837 sell shop]
Item Command Coin Back
Rare Fish @Neko Chan#7837 sell rare_fish 400
Copper Ore @Neko Chan#7837 sell copper_ore 200
Copper Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 sell copper_ingot 500
Silver Ore @Neko Chan#7837 sell silver_ore 300
Silver Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 sell silver_ingot 700
Gold Ore @Neko Chan#7837 sell gold_ore 400
Gold Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 sell gold_ingot 900
Cobalt Ore @Neko Chan#7837 sell cobalt_ore 800
Cobalt Ingot @Neko Chan#7837 sell cobalt_ingot 1,700
Wood Log @Neko Chan#7837 sell wood_log 175
Wooden Plank @Neko Chan#7837 sell wood_plank 625
Silverwood Log @Neko Chan#7837 sell silverwood_log 475
Silverwood Plank @Neko Chan#7837 sell silverwood_plank 1,525

All these items can be sold in bulk. More items might become available to sell later on.


You're unable to get to this shop, however you can still buy this item.

Donate Shop [@Neko Chan#7837 donate shop]
Action Command Cost
Buy Stamina Pack (25) @Neko Chan#7837 buy item stamina 12,500

This shop is only for those that are Patrons of Neko Chan. You can see if you are at the top of the shop, as it will say "Your Donate Status: True" or "Your Donate Status: False".

Super Nekocoin Shop[]

Please note that these items will go up in price and are added to your beast as soon as you buy them. This Shop resets on Sunday at Midnight.

Action Command Cost (snc)
Buy Beast Boost Elixir (+5) @Neko Chan#7837 buy super item beast_5 4
Buy Beast Boost Elixir (+10) @Neko Chan#7837 buy super item beast_10 7
Buy Beast Accuracy Elixir (50%) @Neko Chan#7837 buy super item accuracy_50 3
Buy Beast Accuracy Elixir (100%) @Neko Chan#7837 buy super item accuracy_100 5