Neko Chan Wiki

Stage I Equipment || Stage II Equipment || Stage III Equipment || Stage IV Equipment || Stage V Equipment

During the March 2020 update Mithril; Terrasteel; Manasteel and Elementium were all added to Stage VI Equipment. For more details on where to find items, buy items, upgrading and stat boosts, please see their individual equipment pages. During the April 2020 update, Greaves, Gauntlets and Boots were added to each set of Equipment.


This can be forged at skill level 79 and smelted at skill level 78 with [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg smelt mithril].

Mithril Equipment can be upgraded 30 times using the blacksmith command. The commands for making your Mithril equipment are :

  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge mithril weapon]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge mithril armour]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg arcane forge mithril amulet]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge mithril greaves]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge mithril gauntlets]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge mithril boots]
Equipment Items Needed
Mithril Weapon x48 Mithril Ingots x32 Terrasteel Ingots x51 Dark Iron Ingots x12 Dreamwood Planks x9 Meranti Wood Planks x18 Lifestone
Mithril Armour x71 Mithril Ingots x33 Iridium Ingots x37 Manyullyn Ingots x36 Ardite Ingots x200 Enchanted Leather x10 Ruby
Mithril Amulet x39 Mithril Ingots x45 Platinum Ingots x44 Terrasteel Ingots x51 Elementium Ingots x16 Ruby x16 Sunstone x13 Lifestone
Mithril Greaves x80 Mithril Ingots x39 Terrasteel Ingots x34 Manasteel Ingots x190 Enchanted Leather
Mithril Gaunlets x46 Mithril Ingots x53 Manasteel Ingots x42 Iridium Ingots x39 Manyullyn Ingots x14 Ruby x9 Lifestone
Mithril Boots x35 Mithril Ingots x53 Elementium Ingots x39 Dark Iron Ingots x112 Enchanted Leather x16 Ruby


This can be forged at skill level 79 and smelted at skill level 78 with [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg smelt terrasteel].

Terrasteel Equipment can be upgraded 30 times using the blacksmith command. The commands for making your Terrasteel equipment are :

  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge terrasteel weapon]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge terrasteel armour]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg arcane forge terrasteel amulet]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge terrasteel greaves]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge terrasteel gauntlets]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge terrasteel boots]
Equipment Items Needed
Terrasteel Weapon x51 Terrasteel Ingots x48 Platinum Ingots x45 Elementium Ingots x32 Mithril Ingots x13 Dreamwood Planks x13 Sipiri Wood Planks x12 Darkstone x10 Moonstone
Terrasteel Armour x58 Terrasteel Ingots x43 Titanium Ingots x32 Dark Iron Ingots x207 Enchanted Leather x16 Ruby x7 Onyx
Terrasteel Amulet x57 Terrasteel Ingots x43 Iridium Ingots x52 Ardite Ingots x12 Onyx x18 Oceanstone
Terrasteel Greaves x60 Terrasteel Ingots x37 Platinum Ingots x31 Manyullyn Ingots x181 Enchanted Leather x16 Ruby
Terrasteel Gaunlets x50 Terrasteel Ingots x31 Manyullyn Ingots x58 Ardite Ingots x7 Ruby
Terrasteel Boots x70 Terrasteel Ingots x38 Iridium Ingots x36 Manasteel Ingots x113 Enchanted Leather x9 Ruby


This can be forged at skill level 91 and smelted at skill level 90 with [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg smelt manasteel].

Manasteel Equipment can be upgraded 30 times using the blacksmith command. The commands for making your Manasteel equipment are :

  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge manasteel weapon]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge manasteel armour]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg arcane forge manasteel amulet]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge manasteel greaves]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge manasteel gauntlets]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge manasteel boots]
Equipment Items Needed
Manasteel Weapon x38 Manasteel Ingots x50 Titanium Ingots x47 Elementium Ingots x40 Platinum Ingots x14 Meranti Wood Planks x13 Sipiri Wood Planks x11 Oceanstone
Manasteel Armour x73 Manasteel Ingots x58 Titanium Ingots x38 Mithril Ingots x36 Iridium Ingots x231 Enchanted Leather x10 Ruby
Manasteel Amulet x43 Manasteel Ingots x50 Titainum Ingots x31 Mithril Ingots x51 Platinum Ingots x15 Ruby x13 Onyx x8 Skystone
Manasteel Greaves x81 Manasteel Ingots x36 Platinum Ingots x47 Terrasteel Ingots x211 Enchanted Leather x12 Onyx
Manasteel Gaunlets x60 Manasteel Ingots x58 Elementium Ingots x16 Onyx
Manasteel Boots x44 Manasteel Ingots x44 Titanium Ingots x54 Platinum Ingots x90 Enchanted Leather


This can be forged at skill level 95 and smelted at skill level 94 with [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg smelt elementium].

Elementium Equipment can be upgraded 30 times using the blacksmith command. The commands for making your Elementium equipment are :

  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge elementium weapon]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge elementium armour]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg arcane forge elementium amulet]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge elementium greaves]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge elementium gauntlets]
  • [@Neko Chan#7837 rpg forge elementium boots]
Equipment Items Needed
Elementium Weapon x78 Elementium Ingots x47 Terrasteel Ingots x31 Dark Iron Ingots x9 Meranti Wood Planks x12 Myrtle Ebony Wood Planks x10 Skystone
Elementium Armour x97 Elementium Ingots x50 Ardite Ingots x31 Mithril Ingots x58 Platinum Ingots x216 Enchanted Leather x9 Onyx
<Elementium Amulet x60 Elementium Ingots x38 Terrasteel Ingots x43 Iridium Ingots x54 Ardite Ingots x16 Ruby x7 Onyx x13 Skystone
Elementium Greaves x83 Elementium Ingots x44 Ardite Ingots x49 Manasteel Ingots x155 Enchanted Leather
Elementium Gaunlets x60 Elementium Ingots x42 Titanium Ingots x56 Manyullyn Ingots x6 Darkstone
Elementium Boots x77 Elementium Ingots x57 Manyullyn Ingots x36 Terrasteel Ingots x114 Enchanted Leather

Stage I Equipment || Stage II Equipment || Stage III Equipment || Stage IV Equipment || Stage V Equipment